Land Cover Analysis

Loading data

We load the possible sites (quiet = TRUE is for not displaying verbose loading information). We also load the two halves of the far north land cover dataset, along with the the attribute table of land cover classes. We load the ecodistrict data and select for the relevant lowlands disctrict, coded as 1028.

sites_possible <- sf::st_read(
  quiet = TRUE) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(source = "GRTS_PossibleCaARU_sample_draw_base") |> 
  dplyr::mutate(fullID = paste(SampleID, ID, source, sep = "_"))

additional_sites <- readr::read_csv("data/sites/Selected_Peat_Sites.csv") |> 
  sf::st_as_sf(coords=c("lon_WGS84", "lat_WGS84"), crs = 4326)  |> 
  sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs(sites_possible)) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(source = "Selected_Peat_Sites") |> 
  dplyr::mutate(fullID = paste(SampleID, ID, source, sep = "_"))

all_sites <- sites_possible |> 

ecodistrict <- sf::st_read(
  quiet = TRUE) |> 
  dplyr::filter(ECODISTRIC == 1028)
lu_16 <- raster::raster("data/land_use/FarNorth_LandCover_Class_UTM16.tif")
lu_17 <- raster::raster("data/land_use/FarNorth_LandCover_Class_UTM17.tif")
lu_dat <- readr::read_csv("data/land_use/attr_table_northen_ont_lc.txt") |>
  dplyr::mutate(cats = as.factor(code))

Plotting spatial data

It is always a good idea to try and plot spatial data before any processing.

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = ecodistrict) +
  geom_sf(data = sf::st_transform(all_sites, 
                                  sf::st_crs(ecodistrict))) +

Plotting the land cover data is difficult because it is provided is two different UTMs.

Extracting Land Cover data

The following functions will take care of land cover extraction for sites.

extract_from_points <- function(scale_m, sites, lu) {
  sites_buffer <- sites |>
    sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs(lu)) |> 
    sf::st_buffer(dist = scale_m) |> 
  extr <- exactextractr::exact_extract(lu, sites_buffer,
                                       progress = FALSE,
                                       include_cols = "fullID")
  extr <- mapply(extr, 1:length(extr), 
                 FUN = \(x, y) dplyr::mutate(x, id = y),
                 SIMPLIFY = F)
  extr_df <-, extr) |>
    dplyr::filter(! |>

compute_land_cover <- function(scale_m, sites, 
                               lu_16, lu_17, lu_dat,
                               summarise_all = TRUE) {
  extr_16_df <- extract_from_points(scale_m, sites, lu_16)
  extr_17_df <- extract_from_points(scale_m, sites, lu_17)
  stopifnot(all(!(extr_16_df$siteID %in% extr_17_df$siteID)))
  extr <- rbind(extr_16_df, extr_17_df) |>
    dplyr::arrange(id, value)
  if (summarise_all) {
    extr_table <- extr |>
      dplyr::group_by(value) |>
      dplyr::summarise(coverage_fraction_sum = sum(coverage_fraction)) |>
      dplyr::mutate(prop = 
                      coverage_fraction_sum/sum(coverage_fraction_sum)) |>
      dplyr::ungroup()  |>
      dplyr::mutate(value = as.factor(value)) |>
      dplyr::left_join(lu_dat, by = c("value" = "cats")) |>
      dplyr::select(category_code, prop, label)
  } else {
     extr_table <- extr |>
      dplyr::group_by(fullID, value) |>
      dplyr::summarise(coverage_fraction_sum = sum(coverage_fraction)) |>
      dplyr::mutate(prop = 
                      coverage_fraction_sum/sum(coverage_fraction_sum)) |>
      dplyr::ungroup()  |>
      dplyr::mutate(value = as.factor(value)) |>
      dplyr::left_join(lu_dat, by = c("value" = "cats")) |>
      dplyr::select(fullID, category_code, prop, label)
  extr_table[] <- 0

We extract at different scales (buffer radius around points): 1 m, 50 m, 100 m and 1 km.

res_points <- mapply(FUN = compute_land_cover, 
                     c(`1 m` = 1, `50 m` = 50,
                       `100 m` = 100, `1 km` = 1000),
                     MoreArgs = list(
                       sites = sites_possible,
                       lu_16 = lu_16, lu_17 = lu_17, lu_dat = lu_dat),
                     SIMPLIFY = F) |>
  dplyr::bind_rows(.id = 'scale') |>
  dplyr::mutate(scale = forcats::fct_relevel(scale, "1 m", "50 m",
                                             "100 m", "1 km"),
                label =  forcats::fct_reorder(label, prop)) |> 
  dplyr::arrange(scale, dplyr::desc(prop))

scale category_code prop label
1 m TrBOG 0.26 Treed Bog
1 m TrFEN 0.23 Treed Fen
1 m OBOG 0.20 Open Bog
1 m ConSWA 0.11 Coniferous Swamp
1 m ConTRE 0.10 Coniferous Treed
1 m OFEN 0.06 Open Fen
1 m SpTRE 0.02 Sparse Treed
1 m MixTRE 0.02 Mixed Treed
50 m TrBOG 0.23 Treed Bog
50 m TrFEN 0.22 Treed Fen
50 m OBOG 0.21 Open Bog
50 m ConSWA 0.12 Coniferous Swamp
50 m ConTRE 0.09 Coniferous Treed
50 m OFEN 0.07 Open Fen
50 m SpTRE 0.03 Sparse Treed
50 m MixTRE 0.02 Mixed Treed
50 m WAT 0.01 Clear Open Water
50 m XWAT 0.00 Turbid Water
100 m TrBOG 0.23 Treed Bog
100 m TrFEN 0.22 Treed Fen
100 m OBOG 0.20 Open Bog
100 m ConSWA 0.12 Coniferous Swamp
100 m ConTRE 0.10 Coniferous Treed
100 m OFEN 0.08 Open Fen
100 m WAT 0.03 Clear Open Water
100 m SpTRE 0.02 Sparse Treed
100 m MixTRE 0.01 Mixed Treed
100 m XWAT 0.01 Turbid Water
1 km TrFEN 0.21 Treed Fen
1 km TrBOG 0.21 Treed Bog
1 km OBOG 0.19 Open Bog
1 km ConSWA 0.17 Coniferous Swamp
1 km OFEN 0.07 Open Fen
1 km ConTRE 0.06 Coniferous Treed
1 km WAT 0.04 Clear Open Water
1 km MixTRE 0.01 Mixed Treed
1 km XWAT 0.01 Turbid Water
1 km ThSWA 0.01 Thicket Swamp
1 km SpTRE 0.00 Sparse Treed
1 km NSWood 0.00 Disturbance - Non and Sparse Woody
1 km DecTRE 0.00 Deciduous Treed
1 km TrOrSHr 0.00 Disturbance - Treed and/or Shrub
1 km BED 0.00 Bedrock

We also want to do the same operation for the ecodistrict to allow for comparison. We don’t need to use exact extraction, insteadt the crop and mask each raster. This operation is costly so we write out the rasters and load them again (see unrendered code).

ecodistrict_16 <- sf::st_transform(ecodistrict, sf::st_crs(lu_16))
ecodistrict_17 <- sf::st_transform(ecodistrict, sf::st_crs(lu_17))

lu_16_crop <- raster::crop(lu_16, ecodistrict_16)
lu_16_crop_mask <- raster::mask(lu_16_crop, ecodistrict_16)

lu_17_crop <- raster::crop(lu_17, ecodistrict_17)
lu_17_crop_mask <- raster::mask(lu_17_crop, ecodistrict_17)

We can then get the frequencies of values. This operation is also costly so we write out the objects and load them again (see unrendered code).

lu_16_freq <- raster::freq(lu_16_crop_mask)
lu_17_freq <- raster::freq(lu_17_crop_mask)

We combine the results of both UTMs.

res_ecodistrict <- rbind(lu_16_freq, lu_17_freq) |> |> 
  dplyr::group_by(value) |> 
  dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count)) |> 
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
  dplyr::filter(! |> 
  dplyr::mutate(prop = count/sum(count)) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(value = as.factor(value)) |>
  dplyr::left_join(lu_dat, by = c("value" = "cats")) |>
  dplyr::filter(! |> 
  dplyr::select(category_code, prop, label) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(scale = "Ecodistrict") |> 
  dplyr::relocate(scale) |>
  dplyr::arrange(scale, dplyr::desc(prop))

scale category_code prop label
Ecodistrict TrFEN 0.25 Treed Fen
Ecodistrict OBOG 0.20 Open Bog
Ecodistrict TrBOG 0.19 Treed Bog
Ecodistrict ConSWA 0.12 Coniferous Swamp
Ecodistrict OFEN 0.09 Open Fen
Ecodistrict WAT 0.07 Clear Open Water
Ecodistrict ConTRE 0.04 Coniferous Treed
Ecodistrict NSWood 0.01 Disturbance - Non and Sparse Woody
Ecodistrict TrOrSHr 0.01 Disturbance - Treed and/or Shrub
Ecodistrict MixTRE 0.01 Mixed Treed
Ecodistrict ThSWA 0.01 Thicket Swamp
Ecodistrict SpTRE 0.00 Sparse Treed
Ecodistrict XWAT 0.00 Turbid Water
Ecodistrict DecTRE 0.00 Deciduous Treed
Ecodistrict MIN 0.00 Sand/Gravel/Mine Tailings
Ecodistrict FrMAR 0.00 Freshwater Marsh
Ecodistrict BED 0.00 Bedrock
Ecodistrict URB 0.00 Community/Infrastructure
Ecodistrict DecSWA 0.00 Deciduous Swamp
Ecodistrict InMAR 0.00 Intertidal Marsh

And then combine the results between scales and utm.

res <- rbind(res_points, res_ecodistrict) |> 
  tidyr::complete(scale, label) |> 
  tidyr::replace_na(list(prop = 0)) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(label = forcats::fct_reorder(label, prop))

For individual site identity, at different scales:

res_points_by_site <- 
  mapply(FUN = compute_land_cover, 
         c(`1 m` = 1, `50 m` = 50,
           `100 m` = 100, `1 km` = 1000),
         MoreArgs = list(
           sites = sites_possible,
           lu_16 = lu_16, lu_17 = lu_17, lu_dat = lu_dat),
           summarise_all = FALSE,
         SIMPLIFY = F) |>
  dplyr::bind_rows(.id = 'scale') |>
  dplyr::mutate(scale = forcats::fct_relevel(scale, "1 m", "50 m",
                                             "100 m", "1 km"),
                label =  forcats::fct_reorder(label, prop)) |>
  dplyr::group_by(scale, fullID)  |> 
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(prop)) |> 
  dplyr::rename(primary_category_code = category_code,
                primary_prop = prop,
                primary_label = label) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(secondary_category_code = primary_category_code[2],
                secondary_prop = primary_prop[2],
                secondary_label = primary_label[2],
                prop_sum = primary_prop + secondary_prop) |> 
  dplyr::slice(1) |> 
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'fullID'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'fullID'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'fullID'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'fullID'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

We save this table.

readr::write_csv(res_points_by_site, "outputs/res_points_by_site.csv")


We can plot the results with “dodged” ggplot2 barplots.

my_pal <- c('#c7e9b4','#7fcdbb','#41b6c4','#1d91c0','#225ea8','#0c2c84')

ggplot(res) +
  geom_bar(aes(x = label, y = prop, fill = scale, colour = scale), 
           alpha = 0.8,
           stat = "identity",
           position = "dodge") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, vjust = 1, hjust = 1)) +
  labs(x = "Land Use Class", y = "Proportion",
       fill = "Scale", colour = "Scale") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = my_pal) +
  scale_color_manual(values = my_pal)

Removing the land use classes than are not present around sites, we get a slightly easier graph to read.

only_at_sites <- res |> 
  dplyr::filter(prop > 0) |> 
  dplyr::filter(scale != "Ecodistrict") |> 

res_filt <- res |> 
  dplyr::filter(label %in% only_at_sites)

ggplot(res_filt) +
  geom_bar(aes(x = label, y = prop, fill = scale, colour = scale), 
           alpha = 0.8,
           stat = "identity",
           position = "dodge") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 20, vjust = 1, hjust = 1)) +
  labs(x = "Land Use Class", y = "Proportion",
       fill = "Scale", colour = "Scale") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = my_pal) +
  scale_color_manual(values = my_pal)